GLL - Genesis Logistics Ltd
GLL stands for Genesis Logistics Ltd
Here you will find, what does GLL stand for in Logistics under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Genesis Logistics Ltd? Genesis Logistics Ltd can be abbreviated as GLL What does GLL stand for? GLL stands for Genesis Logistics Ltd. What does Genesis Logistics Ltd mean?The based company is located in engaged in logistics and supply chain industry.
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Alternative definitions of GLL
- Gol, Norway
- Galaxie Little League
- Guardian Life Limited
- Get Living London
- Great Lakes Loons
- Gardner Leader LLP
- Gardner Leader LLP
- Gala Leisure Limited
View 70 other definitions of GLL on the main acronym page
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- GHAM Gilman Hill Asset Management
- GSC The Genuine Scooter Co.
- GIA Gabriel Insurance Agency
- GMA Global Medical Assistance
- GOBA Get On Board Australia
- GSS Gator Specialty Services
- GHS Grey High School
- GMD The Global Media Desk
- GCCC Grace Community Christian Church
- GCHPL Great Circle Holdings Pvt Ltd.
- GPL Guild Press Ltd.
- GGM Green Gate Marketing
- GPI Gym Plus Ireland
- GLAW Girls Leadership Academy of Wilmington
- GCE Gulf Coast Enterprises